Friday, November 22, 2013


He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. 
Psalm 232b-3a

Every year during the Thanksgiving season we are more inclined to count our blessings and focus on being thankful than other times of the year. At our house, and for anyone who knows my husband, you always need to be ready to answer the question, "What are you thankful for," whether it is Thanksgiving or not.

Several weeks ago at church during our ABF he asked the question! Several people responded in various ways how they were thankful. A hand meekly went up and Byron gave the nod to answer. Through choking tears and simple, yet profound honesty the person attached to that hand responded, "I don't have anything to be thankful for!" Tears were streaming from eyes around the room as we gathered around her seated in her chair and laid our hands on her and began to pray for her that God would meet her in her deepest moment of need and that he would restore the joy of her salvation. God had met us there in that place. He heard our cries and he answered our prayer.  The bond between my brothers and sisters in Christ were knitted together more tightly that day as we brought our sister into the very throne room of God.

In this season of Thanksgiving celebrations if you asked me what am I thankful for? I would tell you. I am thankful for the meek hand that raised up and had the courage to say what was going on deep in her soul and for the group of people present in the room who were willing and ready to drop everything and take her to the throne room of God.


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