Wednesday, June 26, 2013

There is a Hope

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is revealed to us, Romans 8:18.

Have you ever had those days where life feels like the ocean tide is permanently in and may never go out to sea again. Wave after wave of sorrow, disappointment, and suffering come crashing in with such force you fear the tide will pull you under. If we are honest with ourselves we would admit that we do have waves like this hitting us.

If there is anything I have learned in the difficult times, when I feel hemmed in, God has not left me alone. He is completely trustworthy. In fact, He is working in and through the very difficulties I face to grow me deeper and more dependent on Him. He makes the Son shine through the billowing waves, calming the raging torrent of my soul causing the tide to go out to sea. I need not lose heart, for there is hope!

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