I have been on a quest for some time to beautify my gardens. I have enlisted the help of a friend who is a very creative gardener. We have split plants, rearranged plants, added new plants, and pruned plants. My gardens have never been so beautiful!
Spring has been slow in coming to our region. Consequently, the spring bloom has been behind. In the past week the weather has warmed significantly and everything is bursting forth - including the weeds.
The lovely beds of a few weeks ago have turned into a nightmare of thistles and dandelions. The, once, daily tending and care of the garden has slipped in it frequency at a cost. Beauty has been overrun.
Tap roots go deep and if not dug out the weeds come back stronger. Popping the tops of the weed is only a superficial solution. They must be rooted out.
My heart is a lot like a garden that requires constant tending. It needs the hand of the Master Gardener pruning, watering, amending soil and weeding out the bad roots. The tender care of the gardeners hand causes the plants to be healthier, stronger and more full of blooms because the roots have more room to grow.
God has not left us to ourselves. He has given us His Son, His Word, the power of the Holy Spirit and the body of Christ to help us see the weeds and root out the thistles and dandelions of our hearts. We need to let him do His work. His Word can daily nourish us so that we may find joy in the journey as each thistle and dandelion is dug out. I need thee every hour!